Kids Martial Arts near El Paso, Eastside RSS Feed

  • The Power of Community

    The Power of Community

    These are challenging times. People seem divided across so many lines, and isolation is the result. At the deepest level, all of us crave to feel part of something larger than ourselves, something that unites us and makes our problems seem small while making our purpose large. When we have an opportunity to broaden our focus away from ourselves and onto others, things seem more manageable and life more fulfilling. We all live in community - family, church, workplace, the city we live in, and the communities we choose to join later in life. In my own case, I have found through the years that my Martial Arts family has met this need in my life in a very unique way. We come together to ....

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  • Increased Brain/Body connection through Martial Arts Training

    Black belts' white matter shows how a powerful punch comes from the brain 15 August 2012
    Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts, which could be linked to their ability to punch powerfully from close range. Researchers from UCL and Imperial College London found that differences in the microstructure of connections in the brain were correlated with how black belts and novices performed in a test of punching ability. Karate experts are able to generate extremely powerful forces with their punches, but how they do this is not fully understood. Previous studies have found that ....

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  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating

    There are so many diets out there, each claiming supremacy as the most effective. Each of us has our own ideas about the healthiest way to eat, and every body is different. Instead of adding our opinions to the mix (and we do have some), we would rather focus on some guiding principles that can keep you healthy in the long term. Healthy eating is a lifestyle that takes tons of practice in order to make it a part of your life. So, here are some tips to make that happen! 1. Stay away from added sugar! -
    The average amount of sugar in the Standard American Diet (or SAD as I like to call it) is unprecedented in human history. Read labels on your food. About every 4 grams of sugar translates ....

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  • El Paso just became a better place!!

    El Paso just became a better place!!

    Why would I say that? Because El Paso Kung Fu just promoted over 30 people to black belt and different degrees of black belt. This means 30 plus people were presented an award that they earned - through hard work, dedication, and sweat. Along the way, they gained some skills, lost some weight, and toned their bodies. It makes El Paso a better place because these people can defend themselves and their families - yes, most definitely.... ...but that's not the main reason. The main reason is joy. Yes, joy! You see, joy is better than happiness because happiness is dependent on happenings. Joy is different. Joy has a deeper well to draw from. 30 plus people became stronger, realized ....

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  • Why Martial Arts is Good for Adults

    As an adult, who has time to do Martial Arts? Isn't that just for kids? Shouldn't I be spending what little time I have with my family? The fact is, taking some time out to really invest in yourself makes you a better father and husband. We can get so wrapped up in the stuff of our lives that we forget to live! If you've always wanted to take martial arts as a kid but never could for whatever reason, now is your time to live that dream. We find that adults are more committed for the long haul and are able to learn the deeper and more subtle aspects of the Martial Arts better than kids. When you have a hobby that you love, it's an opportunity to live a different identity, to be flexible a ....

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